Applications & Publications

EPA 1613 and 1668C Dioxins and PCBs in Drinking Water by EZSpe
Extraction of Phosphorus Flame Retardants in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 554 Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 554 Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 553 Benzidines and Nitrogenous Pesticides in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 553 Benzidines and Nitrogenous Pesticides in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 552.1 Haloacetic Acids Dalapon in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 552.1 Haloacetic Acids Dalapon in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 550.1 Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 550.1 Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 549.2 Diquat and Paraquat in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 549.2 Diquat and Paraquat in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 548.1 Endothall in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 548.1 Endothall in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 537.1 PFAS in Drinking Water with Parallel-Sequential Automated SPE System
EPA 537.1 PFAS in Drinking Water by EZPFC
EPA 535 Acetanilide and other Herbicide Degradates in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 535 Acetanilide and other Herbicide Degradates by EZSpe
EPA 533 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl in Drinking Water by EZPFC
EPA 532 Phenylurea Compounds in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 532 Phenylurea Compounds in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 529 Explosives in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 528 Phenols in Drinking Water by TurboTrace
EPA 528 Phenols in Drinking Water by EZSpe
EPA 527 Pesticides and Flame Retardants in Drinking Water
EPA 526 Semivolatile Organics in Drinking Water
EPA 525.3 EZSpe Semivolatiles in Drinking Water
EPA 522 EZSpe 1,4-Dioxane in Drinking Water
EPA 521 EZSpe Nitrosamines in Drinking Water
EPA 515.2 EZSpe Chlorinated Acids
EPA 508 Organochlorine Pesticides in Drinking Water with Automated SPE
EPA 8270 Automated SPE and Concentration for an MDL study in Water Using SIM by TurboTrace
EPA 632 Carbamate and Urea Pesticides in Waste Water by TurboTrace
EPA 632 Carbamate and Urea Pesticides in Waste Water by EZSpe
EPA 625 Semivolatiles in Waste Water by EZSpe
EPA 608.3 Organochlorine Pesticides by EZSpe
EPA 608.3 Organochlorine Pesticides With Inline Clean-Up by TurboTrace ABN
EPA 607 Nitrosamines in Waste Water by TurboTrace
EPA 607 Nitrosamines in Waste Water by EZSpe
EPA 604 Phenols in Wastewater by TurboTrace
EPA 604 Phenols in Wastewater by EZSpe
EPA Method 1664A Oil and Grease by Solid Phase Extraction
EPA Method 625 Base Neutral and Acid Semi-Volatiles in Municipal and Industrial Waste Water by SPE
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Water By Automated Solid Phase Extraction and HPLC Analysis
Automated low Background Solid Phase Extraction System for Perfluorinated Compounds in Water
POPs Extraction and Cleanup using Low Solvent Green Total EconoPrep
Solid Phase Extraction Validation Package for EPA Method 625.1
EPA 1613 Semi Automated Clean Up for POPs in Fish by EZPrep 123
EPA 1613 and 1668C Semi-Automated Cleanup for POPs Analysis in Oil Samples by EZPrep 123
Total Extractable Fat using Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE)
EPA 1613 PCDD-Fs in Cranberry Pulp by PLE and PowerPrep
EPA 1613 PCDD-Fs and PCBs Analysis in Pet Food Using Automated Extraction and Cleanup
EPA 8081B Toxaphene in Fish by PLE and PowerPrep
EPA 1613 Dioxins and Furans in Freeze-Dried and Regular Milk by PLE and PowerPrep
EPA 1613 Dioxins and Furans in Egg Yolk by PLE
EPA 1613 Dioxins and Furans in Crab Meat by PowerPrep and PLE
EPA 1613 and 1668C POPs Extraction and CleanUp using Low Solvent Green Total EconoPrep
EPA 1613 and 1668 PCDDs PCDFs and PCBs in Fish by Automated Sample Processing
EPA 1613 and 1668 Dioxins Furans and PCBs in Peanut Butter Samples by PLE and PowerPrep
EPA 1613 and 1668 Dioxins Difurans and PCBs in Food Oil by PowerPrep
EPA 1668 PCBs in Coffee via PLE and Reduced Volume Cleanup
A Quick Screen Method for the Extraction Cleanup and Concentration of Toxaphene in Fish
Total Extractable Fat Using Pressurized Liquid Extraction
The Analysis of Chlorinated Dioxins, Difurans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Edible Oils
The Analysis of Chlorinated Dioxins, Difurans in Pet Food
Automated Extraction and Cleanup of Egg Yolk Dioxins and Furans
Automated Extraction and Clean Up of Crab Meat Dioxins and Furans
Dioxins, Furans, and PCBs in Peanut Butter Samples Processed with Automated Extraction and Clean Up
Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Furans and Biphenyls in Fish Automated Sample Processing
EPA 1613 and 1668C Semi-Automated Cleanup of POPs in Sample Extracts in Soil by EZPrep 123
EPA 1613 and 1668C Semi-Automated Cleanup of Sample Extracts for POPs Analysis in Soil by EZPrep 123
Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractionation and Cleanup by EZPrep 123
One Step Extraction, Cleanup and Direct to Vial Concentration for PCBs in Soil and Sediment
One Step Extraction, Cleanup and Concentration of Pesticides from Soil
One Step Extraction, Cleanup and Concentration for PBDEs in Soil
Fast Automated EPH Fractionation and Cleanup
The Analysis of Dioxins in Sediment Using PLE Multicolumn Cleanup and Concentration
EPA 1613 and 1668 Dioxins PCBs and PBDEs in Human Serum by PLE and PowerPrep
Extraction of Drugs of Abuse in Urine Using Solid Phase Extraction
Pressurized Liquid Extraction of Soil Samples for the Analysis of Diesel Range Organics by GC-FID
Automated Extraction and Clean Up of Wood Boiler Ash Samples Dioxins, Furans, and PCBs